Thursday, November 28, 2013

You say you want a resolution... Well, you know.... We all want to change the world*

Now that the holiday season as kicked in and 2014 is just around the corner, it’s a great time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions – those activities that will make our lives more fulfilling. According to, the 10 most common resolutions last year were: lose weight, get organized, get out of debt, enjoy life to the fullest, get/stay fit, learn something new, quit smoking, help others, fall in love, and spend more time with family and friends.  While “visit the library more” isn’t on that list, the Leander Public Library is a great resource to help keep those resolutions that are.

The number one resolution to lose weight, along with the resolution to get/stay fit is well-covered on our shelves.  Books and DVDs covering a wide array of diets, exercise, and health issues can give you inspiration and guidance.  We even have Zumba classes hosted by Parks and Rec to get you moving toward fitness. Another resolution to improve health, to quit smoking, is arguably the hardest resolution on the list, but we can guide you to some resources to encourage you to reach your goal.  Plus, you can’t smoke in the library, so it’s a great place to come to avoid temptation.

If you’re looking to get organized, house-wise, money-wise, estate-wise, or life-wise, you’ll find resources to help you organize a wedding, an office, your studies, and your records.  You can find ways to organize your finances at the monthly Financial Wellness Workshops to work towards resolution #3 to save money and get out of debt.  Being organized can also lead to greater peace of mind which can enhance your enjoyment of life (number 4 on the resolution list), as can participating in our programs and events, like our upcoming Winter Wonderland Celebration on December 7th. 

We’re all about resolution #6 at the library – learn something new!  How about learning a new language?  Check out Mango Languages on our website online resources page.  Spanish is certainly helpful to know or choose something more exotic like Farsi or Swahili.  Or maybe you’d like to learn about alternative medicine, photography, interior decorating, or spreadsheets.  You can start by registering for one of the free classes on Universal Class, another of our great online resources that offers access to more than 500 courses to learn something new. 

Helping others is probably the most altruistic resolution in the top 10 and the library has a number of opportunities for you to help your community and keep this resolution all year long.  Volunteers are trained to help with a variety of tasks, from shelving books to presenting programs, or you can help out at the Leander Library Foundation Used Bookstore.  A library volunteer orientation will be held in January so come by and fill out an application.

If you want to fall in love… with a good book... the library would be delighted to be your matchmaker!  We can offer suggestions if you like and you’ll have two or three weeks to find out whether you and your book are a love connection.  If not, you can try again with no hard feelings or broken hearts.  But when you connect, you’ll have a friend to love all life long.  And if spending more time with the ones you already love - family and friends - is your resolution, the library offers plenty of possibilities, including our Family Winter Reading Program that encourages families to read together over the holidays.  You could join your friends for a book discussion or game night here at the library.  Check out some books to get ideas for planning a party with friends or creating a scrapbook for keeping family connected.  The list goes on…

So don’t forget about the library!  As you’re thinking about your resolutions remember that your library is here to support your efforts towards a satisfying and productive 2014.

*Thanks to Lennon and McCartney for their inspirational lyrics and apologies for changing the v to an s...